Peace Lutheran Primary School is an independent co-educational school operating under the banner of Lutheran Education Australia. Peace has been serving the local community since it was established in 1982. The school was established by the Peace Lutheran Congregation to provide a quality Christian education to the children of its members and the local community and continues to be owned and operated by the congregation. Peace Lutheran School is one of over 80 Lutheran Schools across Australia, working co-operatively with other Queensland Lutheran schools and supported by staff at head office in Milton, Brisbane. The school is funded from Commonwealth and State Government grants, school fees and fund-raising.
Peace Lutheran School, as a member of Lutheran Education Australia, seeks to express the Christian foundations by placing Jesus’ love and forgiveness at the centre of all that happens within the daily life of the school. In its weekly worship program the school thanks God for His goodness and for the community of the school. Devotions are held daily in classrooms. Christian Studies, directly linked to the ethos of the school, is taught as a Key Learning Area with a focus on giving children an understanding of Christian faith and it’s implications for daily life.
Peace provides a high standard Christian education, delivered by dedicated teams of teachers, in a quality learning environment. Our commitment to ensuring children’s literacy and numeracy skills are well developed is shown by the employment of part time teachers in the first three years of schooling, allowing younger students to work in smaller English and Mathematic groups during the first part of their day. Teachers are immersed in professional learning opportunities focusing on good teaching practice. Students value the challenging and interesting learning provided.
Parents, staff and children are valued and cared for in our close knit, caring and compassionate community. Students are encouraged to treat others the way they would like to be treated, believe in themselves and strive to do their best. Individual differences and achievements are proudly recognized, showcased and celebrated. Building positive relationships is an important part of what we do at Peace. Staff seek to get to know children and families well, bounce back and games factory activities help students to know and understand each other and the buddy program builds lasting relationships between students of different ages.
Our interactions at Peace are based on sharing God’s love and our community is motivated to serve each other ,as well as serving in local and overseas communities. The team at Peace is learning, growing and building futures together, knowing that Christ is leading us in all we do.